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This web site supports Dr. Russell Sabella's work on educating children, parents, educators and other stake holders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Children's Week - Teens Only Town Hall Meeting
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Take This Lollipop
This requires a Facebook account. Overly dramatic but really makes the point about privacy.
Vulnerable teens still at risk in cyberspace
Vulnerable teens still at risk in cyberspace
Oct 23, 2011 (The Buffalo News - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- The kind of online hatred and harassment Jamey Rodemeyer experienced when he was in middle school was far from unusual. Danielle Mazziotti said she sees it all the time, particularly on the Web pages of friends who are homosexual or overweight.Expert Anti-Bullying Panel Convened at Sesame Workshop
Monday, October 24, 2011
MTV's A Thin Line : Digital Rights Project : www.athinline.org
Vulnerable teens still at risk in cyberspace - Amherst - The Buffalo News
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Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Educational Games | Overview
For immediate release
New game uses pirates to teach privacy protection skills to Canadian children
Ottawa – Media Awareness Network (MNet) has launched Privacy Pirates, a new interactive resource to teach children about online privacy and how to distinguish between public and private information when playing on the Internet. The game was unveiled today by MNet’s Director of Education Matthew Johnsonat the Prince Edward Island Teachers’ Federation Conference in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
“For the most part, the Internet is an unregulated universe where users are constantly prodded for information regardless of their age; and children often lack the skills to understand how to protect their privacy on the sites they visit,” said Mr. Johnson. “Privacy Pirates explores the different scenarios kids encounter online and helps them understand what information is appropriate to give out and what information is better kept private.”
In the game, children attempt to assemble a map leading to pirate treasure -- introducing the concept that their information has value. Along the way, players encounter a variety of situations in which they are asked to give up information. Making the correct choice – based on the type of information they’re being asked to give, and the context in which they are being asked – is rewarded with an additional piece of the treasure map.
Privacy Pirates was developed with financial support from Google. It is part of MNet’s extensive suite of digital literacy games, which are freely available on its website at http://www.media-awareness.ca/
Media Awareness Network (MNet) is a Canadian not-for-profit centre for digital and media literacy. Its vision is that young people have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens. MNet's programs are funded by its public and private sector sponsors, donors and partners, who include: Bell Media • Shaw •Bell • TELUS • CIRA • Google • National Film Board of Canada • Government of Canada.
Cathy Wing, Co-Executive Director, Media Awareness Network
613-224-7721 , Ext. 227, cwing@media-awareness.ca
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
email : Webview

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Educators | StopBullying.gov
It takes the entire school community to create an inviting school where everyone feels they belong and are safe. Working together, administrators, teachers, school staff, parents, and students can help stop bullying in your school."
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Learning First Alliance Member Resources on Bullying
We must do all we can - as parents, educators, community leaders, business leaders, advocates and concerned citizens - to make it clear that we will not tolerate bullying in our public schools."
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Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Florida eases penalties for teen 'sexting' - latimes.com
Previously, minors who sent or received such photos could have been charged as sex offenders. A first offense is now noncriminal."
The Circle of Respect is the National Crime Prevention Council’s (NCPC) latest and most comprehensive campaign to protect youth from bullying and cyberbullying. Launching in October, the campaign seeks to change the commonly held belief that bullying is a rite of passage, and teaches instead that such behavior is unacceptable through a positive, pro-social message that encourages respect and consideration for others. To succeed in its mission, the Circle of Respect will feature an education campaign, outreach materials including publications and public service advertising, and partnership efforts to reach a national audience.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Learn About Netiquette With NetSmartz!
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Words have Power
Student Reports of Bullying and Cyber-Bullying: Results From the 2009 School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sabella Tech Safety Presentations Updated
Sunday, October 2, 2011
'Sexting' driven by peer pressure
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Blog Archive
- Children's Week - Teens Only Town Hall Meeting
- WSYX ABC6 On Your Side Top Story - Mother Calls Cl...
- Take This Lollipop
- Vulnerable teens still at risk in cyberspace
- Expert Anti-Bullying Panel Convened at Sesame Work...
- MTV's A Thin Line : Digital Rights Project : www.a...
- Vulnerable teens still at risk in cyberspace - Amh...
- ASCA School Counselors on BUllying 10/21 by EduTal...
- Educational Games | Overview
- email : Webview
- Stop Bullying Now! Public Service Announcement - "...
- Educators | StopBullying.gov
- What is Bullying
- Learning First Alliance Member Resources on Bullying
- Texting Doubles a Driver's Reaction Time
- Study: Texting while driving doubles reaction times
- Florida eases penalties for teen 'sexting' - latim...
- www.circleofrespect.org
- Learn About Netiquette With NetSmartz!
- Words have Power
- Student Reports of Bullying and Cyber-Bullying: Re...
- Sabella Tech Safety Presentations Updated
- 'Sexting' driven by peer pressure
- Could A Lack Of Empathy Explain Cruelty? : NPR