This web site supports Dr. Russell Sabella's work on educating children, parents, educators and other stake holders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more.
social networking
Thursday, March 22, 2012
MTV's A Thin Line : Angry Birds Draw Their Line :
MTV's A Thin Line : Angry Birds Draw Their Line : You're not the only one dealing with digital drama – even birds go through it sometimes. Join them in standing up and taking action, and you'll be rewarded with access to a secret Golden Egg level of the Angry Birds Space game!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Teens, Smartphones & Texting | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Teens, Smartphones & Texting | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project: Teens are fervent communicators. Straddling childhood and adulthood, they communicate frequently with a variety of important people in their lives: friends and peers, parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, and a myriad of other adults and institutions. This report examines the tools teens use to communicate, with a particular focus on mobile devices, and then places the use of those tools in the broader context of how teens choose to communicate with people in their lives.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
McGruff SafeGuard Browser for iPhone, iPad, iPod/Touch
McGruff SafeGuard Browser for iPhone, iPad, iPod/Touch
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Viral Kony 2012 Video | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
The Viral Kony 2012 Video | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
The 30-minute video released last week by the San Diego-based group Invisible Children calling for action against Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony provided striking evidence that young adults and their elders at times have different news agendas and learn about news in different ways.
Those ages 18-29 were much more likely than older adults to have heard a lot about the “Kony 2012” video and to have learned about it through social media than traditional news sources. Indeed, a special analysis of posts in Twitter showed that it was by far the top story on the platform.
Younger adults were also more than twice as likely as older adults to have watched the video itself on YouTube or Vimeo. As of March 13, the video had been viewed more than 76 million times on YouTube and 16 million times on Vimeo, making it one of the most viewed videos of all time on those sites.
A new Pew Research Center report, based on polling and social media content analysis, tracks how the “Kony 2012” video and information about it reached so many Americans in a relatively short period of time, and the critical role social media played, especially for adults under age 30.
Read or download the full report:

Efforts to Deal With Bullying | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR
Efforts to Deal With Bullying | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR: An estimated one in six children and teenagers will be bullied this year. A new documentary highlights how bullying can trigger a cycle of violence. Diane speaks to the director of the film "Bully," one of the teenagers who appears in the film, along with a panel of experts.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
INFOGRAPHIC: Teens and Texting Are The New Milk and Cookies | Mobile Marketing Watch
INFOGRAPHIC: Teens and Texting Are The New Milk and Cookies | Mobile Marketing Watch: Teens and texting have become a synonymous pair. Like milk and cookies and peanut butter and jelly, it’s almost impossible to find a teen today who isn’t tethered to his or her mobile device.
To illustrate this powerful and increasingly common relationship, published an informative new infographic highlighting the incredible frequency with which today’s teens text.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Study Finds Link Between School Bullies and Substance Use | The Partnership at
Study Finds Link Between School Bullies and Substance Use | The Partnership at Study Finds Link Between School Bullies and Substance Use
By Join Together Staff | March 9, 2012
Students who bully their classmates are more likely to use cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana, compared with their peers who aren’t bullies, a new study suggests. “Our findings suggest that one deviant behavior may be related to another,” lead author Kisha Radliff of Ohio State University said in a news release. “For example, youth who bully others might be more likely to also try substance use. The reverse could also be true in that youth who use substances might be more likely to bully others.”
Students who bully their classmates are more likely to use cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana, compared with their peers who aren’t bullies, a new study suggests. “Our findings suggest that one deviant behavior may be related to another,” lead author Kisha Radliff of Ohio State University said in a news release. “For example, youth who bully others might be more likely to also try substance use. The reverse could also be true in that youth who use substances might be more likely to bully others.”
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Minnesota District Reaches Pact on Antigay Bullying -
Minnesota District Reaches Pact on Antigay Bullying - Last month, the district rescinded the neutrality policy in favor of a requirement to “affirm the dignity and self-worth of students” regardless of race, sexual orientation, disabilities or other factors.
Family Online Safety Guide in Different Languages
Family Online Safety Guide: Family Online Safety Guide
Are you concerned about your children when they go onto the Internet? Have you heard about MySpace and Facebook and are wondering what your children are doing on there? Do your kids know more about computers than you do? You aren’t alone but help is here.
Marian Merritt’s Family Online Safety Guide was written just for you. An easy to understand booklet full of tips and tricks for keeping your family safe on the Internet is available for FREE.
The guide, which received the 2008 Disney iParenting media award, is authored by renowned Internet Safety Advocate Marian Merritt of Norton security by Symantec. It is made available to you by Symantec, the makers of the Norton Internet security software.
Webinars: Embracing Digital Youth
Webinars |: Embracing Digital Youth is proud to announce our first two Webinars. Through these Webinars, Embracing Digital Youth Network will seek to help educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement engage in prevention and intervention activities that ground in research insight, focus on influencing positive behavior and implementing restorative practices, and encourage effective evaluation.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Kinder & Braver World Project: Working Papers | Berkman Center
Kinder & Braver World Project: Working Papers | Berkman Center: As a part of its collaboration with the Born This Way Foundation, the Berkman Center is preparing a series of different working papers that help synthesize scholarship and provide research-based recommendations for action. Ultimately, they will form a paper series: The Kinder & Braver World Project: Research Series (danah boyd and John Palfrey, editors), presented by the Born This Way Foundation & the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and supported by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
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Blog Archive
- MTV's A Thin Line : Angry Birds Draw Their Line : ...
- Teens, Smartphones & Texting | Pew Research Center...
- McGruff SafeGuard Browser for iPhone, iPad, iPod/T...
- The Viral Kony 2012 Video | Pew Research Center's ...
- Efforts to Deal With Bullying | The Diane Rehm Sho...
- INFOGRAPHIC: Teens and Texting Are The New Milk an...
- Study Finds Link Between School Bullies and Substa...
- Minnesota District Reaches Pact on Antigay Bullyin...
- Family Online Safety Guide in Different Languages
- Webinars: Embracing Digital Youth
- Governor Christie Announces Bipartisan Legislative...
- Kinder & Braver World Project: Working Papers | Be...
- Should kids have cell phones? |