This web site supports Dr. Russell Sabella's work on educating children, parents, educators and other stake holders about the responsible use of technology. Included in these pages you will find helpful resources, lesson plans, links, and more.
social networking
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
How To Implement Suicide Prevention Strategies in High Schools
Jobhunting and the Absence of Online Privacy
This presentation explains the importance of your online reputation, how to build it and how to protect it. Use the tips in this presentation to take your job hunting to the next level. And please, do pass it on to others that could use the advice.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Questions About Social Media You Haven't Dared to Ask (or You Don't Know Who to Ask)
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Questions About
Social Media You Haven't Dared
to Ask (or You Don't Know Who to Ask) A free webinar on March 27. ![]() Social media has become a lightning-fast way to deliver ideas and connect with stakeholders. Are you utilizing these ever-changing tools to effectively communicate your messages? Conner, author of three books, including The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media, advises executives in some of the world’s largest companies to unite collaborative technologies, analytics, and human energy. She is a member of Telefónica’s Disruptive Council, a fellow of the Darden School of Business, writes for Fast Company, and speaks at both public and private events throughout the year. Title: Questions About Social Media You Haven't Dared to Ask (or You Don't Know Who to Ask) Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Time: 3:30–4:30 p.m. ET Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: www1.gotomeeting.com/register/960559961 After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the Webinar. System Requirements: PC-based attendees Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Macintosh®-based attendees Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer |
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Enroll Your School and Take a Stand Against Bullying.
Enroll your school to participate in Stand 4 Change Day 2013. Fill out the fields below and we will email you everything you need to be part of this epic day.
First government-supported “sexting” guidance published - 19 March 2013
“Sexting” the worrying practice of sending explicit pictures or video footage via mobile phones and the internet is all too common among some teenagers. Academic research and staffroom anecdote both point to girls facing pressure to provide sexually explicit images of themselves for others to share online.
Teachers are no doubt horrified by the trend, and concerned about the children who find themselves part of these images. But how do you start to address such a sensitive issue in the right way? Help may be at hand in the form of first government-backed guidance for school staff.
It was developed by former police detective Sharon Girling, working with Medway Council, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation child protection charity, and sponsored by online software company Securus.
The document promises practical support, including how to respond, how to help children involved, how to prevent further incidents and advice on whether teachers can search phones and computers. Its publication was welcomed by Russell Hobby, general secretary of the NAHT, who said it would “help schools deal with this contemporary threat appropriately”.
“Sexting” in schools: advice and support around self-generated images: What to do and how to handle it can be downloaded here.
Kerra Maddern
Source: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6325267&s_cid=tesmagazinehome
Teachers are no doubt horrified by the trend, and concerned about the children who find themselves part of these images. But how do you start to address such a sensitive issue in the right way? Help may be at hand in the form of first government-backed guidance for school staff.
It was developed by former police detective Sharon Girling, working with Medway Council, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation child protection charity, and sponsored by online software company Securus.
The document promises practical support, including how to respond, how to help children involved, how to prevent further incidents and advice on whether teachers can search phones and computers. Its publication was welcomed by Russell Hobby, general secretary of the NAHT, who said it would “help schools deal with this contemporary threat appropriately”.
“Sexting” in schools: advice and support around self-generated images: What to do and how to handle it can be downloaded here.
Kerra Maddern
Source: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6325267&s_cid=tesmagazinehome
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Webinar To Examine the Use of Restorative Justice Practices in School Discipline

Webinar To Examine the Use of Restorative Justice Practices in School Discipline On March 20, 2013, at 4 p.m. ET, the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services will present “Stemming the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Applying Restorative Justice Principles to School Discipline Practices.” This one-and-a-half hour Webinar, fourth in a series from the Supportive School Discipline Initiative, will address how school districts and schools can apply restorative justice principles (conflict resolution, fostering understanding and empathy, and building stronger relationships in schools and communities) to school discipline practices to stem the school-to-prison pipeline.
information is available online.
Get more information on the Supportive School Discipline Webinar series. |
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is a component of the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice.
Browse past issues of JUVJUST and OJJDP News @ a Glance.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Negotiating Technology with your Child
Negotiating Technology with
your Child
Some things are simply not negotiable, such as letting a child cross a busy street by herself at the age of, let’s say, 5. And, even though she may already be a good driver as evidenced by her high scores on the Crazy Taxi™ video game, you would probably just have to say “No” to letting your 9 year old take the family van out for a spin. What about getting a FaceBook or Instagram account? How about watching a movie rated “R” or chatting online? Should she really own her own cell phone at this age? These questions are not as clear cut as the risk may not be as apparent. Yet, your child may have some logical and compelling arguments for doing these things which may be tough to debate. So when and how much do you give in?
Before we go further with some possible answers to these questions, we should remind ourselves of a few things:
Here are some factors to consider and tips
for negotiating technology with your child:
don’t give in just because it’s easier on you. Kids can wear you down although
it’s important to stay in the game and continue focusing on what is right. If
you are tired, delay your decision until later, catch your breath, and think it
over. Make sure your spouse or partner is “on board.” If your child continues
to engage, explain that asking more than twice is harassment and harassment is
against the rules resulting in a default “No” and possible other consequences.
If your child is not willing to wait for a decision, then again, the immediate
answer is “No.” If he is willing to wait for you to “take the decision under
advisement,” then negotiations may continue.
realize that technology can be very powerful and extend our capabilities in
incredible (and fun) ways. Let’s remember, however, that “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” It is true that your
child can stay in constant touch with his friends and get the latest gossip
before it hits the streets. It is also true that he can correspond with almost
anyone in the world at any time -- although should he? One of the ways to
determine this is evaluating the purpose
that the technology serves. What is your child trying to achieve by using the
technology? For instance, what is the purpose of having a Facebook or
other similar social networking account? Ask questions such as, “What do you get out of being on
Facebook?” If the purpose is legitimate (having fun, for both kids and adults,
is legitimate), then, ask yourself, “Is this the safest and most secure way to
achieve this purpose?” If yes, then okay. If not, then the adult must help the
child figure out how he or she can achieve their purpose in a better way. How
about calling those would-be Facebook “friends” on the phone? What about a more
private e-mail or text message directly to the friend? Could the same goal be achieved by
meeting at the park to hang out? Can the child increase his or her circle of friends
in the existing community by joining a club or team?
Adapted from GuardingKids.com: A Practical Guide to Keeping Kids Out of High-Tech
by Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D.
by Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D.
Some things are simply not negotiable, such as letting a child cross a busy street by herself at the age of, let’s say, 5. And, even though she may already be a good driver as evidenced by her high scores on the Crazy Taxi™ video game, you would probably just have to say “No” to letting your 9 year old take the family van out for a spin. What about getting a FaceBook or Instagram account? How about watching a movie rated “R” or chatting online? Should she really own her own cell phone at this age? These questions are not as clear cut as the risk may not be as apparent. Yet, your child may have some logical and compelling arguments for doing these things which may be tough to debate. So when and how much do you give in?
Before we go further with some possible answers to these questions, we should remind ourselves of a few things:
- Technology (including social networking) has become highly integrated into our society and world. These are 21st century tools that all kids should know how to use as part of their ongoing career, personal, social, and academic development.
- Technology is not inherently evil. What a person does with these powerful tools is what gives them their value.
- Most kids use technology responsibly. Don't let anyone convince you that anyone under the age of 19 who is looking down at their mobile phone is probably up to no good. Like just about anything else, when it comes to cyberbullying or online harassment, a relatively small number of children are doing the majority of the damage. At the same time, technology can "fuel a fire" much more quickly and intensely than is possible without technology.
- Technology is everywhere and we as parents can't be (or should be). That is, as parents, we should monitor, supervise, and set up family policies although the bottom line is that we have to teach kids to watch out for themselves and follow rules even when nobody else is looking. Similarly, if we "helicopter" over our kids and not let them make some mistakes, they will not learn the important skills and attitudes needed for coping and recovery. They won't learn.
- Kids mature at different rates and have different decision making abilities. As a caretaker, you will need to judge best what your child can handle.
your child’s rationale for having a social network account is to avoid being
left out (i.e., “Everyone I know has one.” Now known as FOMO disease). Although not having something that
others have can be uncomfortable or unpleasant, it is not fatal. In fact, in some cases, not having a social network account
actually gives your child something that other children do not have – more
time and focus for other important things such as studies, outdoor activities, and family time.
You get the idea ... Let's ask ourselves, "What purpose does a cell phone serve for a 3rd grader?" Usually, cell phone ownership can be justified by the peace of mind extended to parents who can communicate with their children almost instantaneously (that is, if the child decides to respond). I agree, this is a wonderful advantage (although realize that instant communication does not guarantee that you will have access to your child or that you can help in a given emergency). But what about the potential pitfalls of owning a cell phone such as access to inappropriate content and potential distraction from school to name a few? This is the part of negotiation that begs for a compromise, a situation where everyone gets some of what they want although has to give up a little as well. This can lead to a win-win outcome. In the case of cell phone ownership, remember, if the goal is to give the child the capability of anytime and anywhere communication with her parent/guardian and members of the emergency response community, then this can be achieved by a limited use phone, such as one that has unlimited texting and calling but no data plan.
You get the idea ... Let's ask ourselves, "What purpose does a cell phone serve for a 3rd grader?" Usually, cell phone ownership can be justified by the peace of mind extended to parents who can communicate with their children almost instantaneously (that is, if the child decides to respond). I agree, this is a wonderful advantage (although realize that instant communication does not guarantee that you will have access to your child or that you can help in a given emergency). But what about the potential pitfalls of owning a cell phone such as access to inappropriate content and potential distraction from school to name a few? This is the part of negotiation that begs for a compromise, a situation where everyone gets some of what they want although has to give up a little as well. This can lead to a win-win outcome. In the case of cell phone ownership, remember, if the goal is to give the child the capability of anytime and anywhere communication with her parent/guardian and members of the emergency response community, then this can be achieved by a limited use phone, such as one that has unlimited texting and calling but no data plan.
In Summary
In the course of negotiations, remember to be objective. Again, be careful not to allow sensational stories, especially propagated by the media, to skew your judgment. Do your homework. Investigate any technology by searching online and asking other parents. There are always both potential benefits and risks to using any technology. Remember that the value of technology is determined by its use, not the technology itself. A hammer can be used to build a house or commit a murder, depending on the user’s intentions. Assess the benefits versus the risks and whenever you deem it safe enough, do allow your child his or her request. Negotiating is never about control or the upper hand. Always keep in mind outcomes that are in the best interest of your child, and also how the negotiations can enhance your relationship.
I would
also add that allowing your child to deal with some reasonable risk can be a
valuable learning experience and allows her to demonstrate to you that she is
responsible. Realize too that rarely is anything in technology a “black or
white” situation. Instead, technologies can usually be customized which allows
your child to use them with certain conditions. For instance, allowing the
child to have a Facebook account only if she shares with you the password or
perhaps, at a minimum, “friends” you to allow access to her profile so that you can help in monitoring her online reputation.
as much as possible, focus more on what your child can do instead of what he is not allowed to do. For instance, you may not
allow your child to have their own cell phone yet although you may allow him to
borrow yours now and then for special occasions. You may not allow your
daughter to set up a Facebook account although you may allow her to set up her
own blog which you can help monitor. Chatting with strangers is a definite no-no
although your kid may chat with school and community buddies using a secure
application (e.g., Google chat).
the same message may be easier to “swallow” if it came from someone else. If
you can get another child, a friend, or other respected adult to relay the same
message, it may carry more weight than coming from you.
Training for Kids, Parents, and Educators
Good Digital Parenting
Advice, tips and tools empowering you to confidently navigate the online world with your kids.
Facebook: Help Your Teens Play It Safe
ConnectSafely.org: A Parents Guide to Facebook
ConnectSafely.org Parent Guides
Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Kindness Go Viral
by Justin W. Patchin and Sameer Hinduja
Tips for Parents - Family Technology Use Policy
Resources for Parents
Good Digital Parenting
Advice, tips and tools empowering you to confidently navigate the online world with your kids.
Facebook: Help Your Teens Play It Safe
ConnectSafely.org: A Parents Guide to Facebook
ConnectSafely.org Parent Guides
Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Kindness Go Viral
by Justin W. Patchin and Sameer Hinduja
Tips for Parents - Family Technology Use Policy
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- First government-supported “sexting” guidance publ...
- Webinar To Examine the Use of Restorative Justice ...
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- Negotiating Technology with your Child
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